SSO stands for Single Sign-On server. An SSO is a session and user authentication service that permits a user to use one set of login credentials (e.g., name and password) to access multiple applications. SSO servers are used in combination with Group Self Registration and Enterprise App Store UI Version 3.
How to Create a Single Sign On Server
- Navigate to the SSO tab under the App Store section.
- Click on the green Add First SSO Server button.
or the
- Select the type of SSO server you would like to create:
- AD Server
- LDAP Server
- Google OAuth 2.0
- Generic OAuth
- Azure
- NOTE: Each of these server types are described in further detail in the corresponding sections below.
- Once you have selected your type of server, you will be taken to the appropriate form to create the server type you have selected. On all the forms, you will have two fields that are the same:
- Active - indicates if the SSO server should be used for authentication.
- Name - is a unique name within your account for the SSO server. This name will be used during the onboarding process to help users understand where the authentication will be required.
- When finished, click on the green Create button to create your server, or the Cancel button to discard all changes.
Editing or Deleting an SSO Server
How to Edit an SSO Server
- Navigate to the SSO tab under the App Store section.
- Click on the SSO Server you want to change and click the Edit icon.
- Once you have reached the form with the information fields, you can edit each field.
- After all of the changes have been made, click the green Save button to save your edits.
How to Delete an SSO Server
- Navigate to the SSO tab under the App Store section.
- Click on the trash can icon next to the SSO Server that you wish to delete. The server will have been deleted.
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