App47 Analytics provides rich analytical information about your mobile Apps. In this section we'll provide information on the reports that are available to you.
To enable App47 Analytics for your mobile App you must first embed the App47 SDK in your Apps codebase (see: Configure your App section).
There are several type of reports available, they are:
- Daily Activity - details the activity summarized into a daily view.
- Sessions - details session duration and total number of app sessions over a period of time
- Users - details total number of users over a specified period of time.
- Geo - details geographic location for user base over specified period of time.
- Net New - break out number of new users vs. returning visitors over a specified period of time.
All these reports can be further broken down by
- OS Version
- Platform
- Device Model
- App Version
All of this data combines to provide a clear answer to:
- Who is using the App?
- What are they using it on?
- When are they using it?
- How are they using it?
- Where is it running?
Managing Session Data
How to View Analytics
To view analytics for your private apps.
- Under the Analyze selection in the header banner, navigate to the Usage tab.
- Select a private app from the Select app drop down to view its analytics.
- Next, use the sentence based search structure to select which type of analytics you'd like displayed and select the additional criteria for your report.
- Next, click on the date field to select a timeframe for the report.
- The chart and reports will automatically update as you make your selection.
- Scroll down the page to see view all report details.
Zoom In View of Analytics
To zoom in on a specific area of a chart
Place your mouse on the chart at the start date you'd like to select.
Click your mouse and drag it to the end date
Release the mouse.
The report will automatically zoom in on the data for that date range.
To reset the zoom to the original date range
Click Reset Zoom in the top right of the chart.
How to View Detailed Analytics
To see granular details of your report from the chart view
- Hover over the datapoint on the chart above the date you would like to see more detail.
- Details will automatically display for the selection.
Daily Activity Reports
A Daily Activity report displays daily visitors to your app for a specified date range. Additional data is available that paints a picture of your visitor profile such as by OS Version, Device Model, Platform, Geo Location and more.
How to Create a Daily Activity Report
Select to show Daily Activity from the drop down menu
Click the date field to select a date range
The chart and reports will automatically update based on your selection.
Hover on the chart for additional details regarding daily Sessions, # of Users and # of new Users.
Scroll the entire page to see all details of the Daily Activity report.
Duration Reports
A Duration report displays session duration details for your app over a specified period of time. It shows minimum, maximum and average duration for the time period specified. Additional data is available such as duration by OS Version, Device Model, Platform, Geo Location and more.
How to Create a Duration Report
- Select to show Duration in the dropdown menu
- Click the date field to select a date range
- The chart and reports will automatically update based on your selection.
- Hover on the chart for additional details regarding Average, Minimum and Maximum session duration.
- Scroll the entire page to see all details of the Duration report.
Users Reports
A Users report displays the number of users for your app over a specified period of time. You can further breakdown the view by daily, weekly or monthly active users for the time period specified. Additional data is available that paints a picture of your users by OS Version, Device Model, Platform, Geo Location and more.
How to Create a Users Report
- Select to show Users in the dropdown menu
- Next select whether to show all users or daily/weekly/monthly active users.
- If you select daily, weekly or monthly active users you can also choose to drill down further and select to view by platform, os version, manufacturer, model and app version. (this information is available for All users in the details below the graph)
- Click the date field to select a date range
- The chart and reports will automatically update based on your selection.
- Hover on the chart data datapoints for additional details.
- Scroll the entire page to see all details for the User report.
A Geo report displays the geo location of users for your app over a specified date. You can view by number of sessions or by duration for the date specified.
How to Create a Geo Report
Select to show Geo in the dropdown menu
Next select whether to view Geo data by number of sessions or duration.
Click the date field to select a date to view Geo date for.
The chart and reports will automatically update based on your selection.
Hover on the chart data datapoints for additional details.
Scroll the entire page to see all details for the Geo report.
Net New
A Net New report breaks down the number of new users vs. returning visitors to your app for a specified date range. Additional data is available that paints a picture of your net new visitor profile such as by OS Version, Device Model, Platform, and more.
How to Create a Net New Report
Select to show Net New from the dropdown menu
You can select to view All net new visitors or filter by platform, os version, manufacturer, model and app version.
Click the date field to select a date range
The chart and reports will automatically update based on your selection.
Hover on the chart datapoints for additional details regarding net new vs returning users.
Scroll the entire page to see all details of the Net New report.
A Sessions report details the total number of app sessions for a specified date range. Additional data is available for app sessions such as by OS Version, Device Model, Platform, and more.
How to Create a Sessions Report
Select to show Sessions from the dropdown menu
Next select to view app sessions by platform, os version, manufacturer, model and app version.
Click the date field to select a date range
The chart and reports will automatically update based on your selection.
Hover on the chart datapoints for additional details regarding the selected app session report.
Scroll the entire page to see all details of the app session report.
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