This article explains how to manage builds for your apps.
App47 APIv2 (BETA) Builds
The Builds end point allows you create, update, list, view, and delete builds for an application in your account. You must have the proper permissions in your account in order to use this end point with your member token.
To use this API you must have the following permissions:
Action | Required permission |
List Builds | At least read permission on the specific app |
Show Build | At least read permission on the specific app |
Edit Build | At least edit permission on the specific app |
Create Build | At least edit permission on the specific app |
Delete Build | Manage permission on the specific app |
Activate Build | Manage permission on the specific app |
Deactivate Build | Manage permission on the specific app |
Resubmit Build | Manage permission on the specific app |
For more information on how to configure your APIv2 calls, please consult the APIv2 Overview.
When fetching, creating or updating information about builds, the input parameters in the following table are provided through the App47 API:
Parameter Name | Input | Output | Type(s) | Description |
activateable | No | Yes | Private | If the build is activatable, meaning is it valid and not the current active build |
active | No | Yes | Private build | If this is the active build for the given platform and environment |
aetx_file_id | Yes | No | When creating a windows phone 8 build that requires a AETX file, the Uploaded File Id previously uploaded | |
android_id | Yes | No | Public | The Android ID “com.evernote” to use for this public build. |
build_upload_file_id | Yes | No | Private build | ID returned from Uploaded file API |
build_upload | Yes | No | Private build | Raw file input in HTTPS POST action |
dsym_file_id | Yes | No | Private build | ID returned from Uploaded file API |
dsym_file | Yes | No | Private build | Raw file input in HTTPS POST action |
environment | Yes | Yes | All | Environments can be “Test” or “Production”. For Windows and Android builds you can update this parameter, however on iOS you cannot change this value |
external_id | Yes | No | Public | The iTunes ID to use for this public build. |
make_active | Yes | No | Private builds | If the build should be made activate after validation, default is false. |
message | No | Yes | Private | Last message by the build processor |
minimum_os_version | No | Yes | All | Minimum OS Version supported by this build |
name | Yes | No | Public | If you wish to over ride the name from the public app store. |
notify_users_on_activation | Yes | Yes | If users should be notified when this build is activated, default is true | |
platform | No | Yes | All | The platform for this build, Android, iOS, Windows |
release_notes | Yes | Yes | All | Release notes for this build |
reset_bundle_identifier | Yes | No | If the bundle identifier for the app should be reset based on this build. Default is false. | |
reuse_version_number | Yes | No | If the build processor should allow the version number to be reused. Default is false. | |
state | No | Yes | Private build | The current state of this build, i.e., uploaded, processed, invalid, active |
supported_cpu_types | No | Yes | All | Supported CPU architectures |
target_model | No | All | Windows | The target model for this build |
unique_identifier | No | Yes | Private | The Unique identifier for this build, and, thusly, for this application. If a subsequent build is uploaded with a different unique_identifier, the build will be flagged as an error. To over ride this, see reset_bundle_identifier |
update_app_icon | Yes | No | If the app icon should be updated based on the icon image file contained in the build. Default is false and currently only supported on the iOS platform. | |
update_app_name | Yes | No | If the app name should be updated based on the name contained in the manifest file. Default is false an currently only supported on the iOS platform. | |
profile_expiration_date | No | Yes | Private | For iOS builds, the date when the associated profile for the build will expire |
profile_name | No | Yes | Private | For iOS builds, the name of the profile used to sign the application |
url | No | Yes | All | The location of the build file |
version | No | Yes | All | The version number for the build |
Build States
There are four build states for apps:
uploaded - The build has been uploaded to the system and not yet processed.
processing - The build processor has started processing the build for verification and distribution.
processed - The build has been processed and is available for activation.
invalid - The build has been processed and there is an error with the build, please see the message field for more details.
List Builds
In order to list builds for the application in your account, you must have at least read access.
End Point
curl -H"Access-Token: <<your token>>"<<app_id>>/builds
Input Parameters
Parameter | Description | Required? | Example(s)/Allowed Values |
environment | Show builds only in the requested environment | No | Valid values are Production, Test |
platform | Show builds only for a specific platform | No | Valid values are Android, iOS and WP8 |
active | Show builds that are active or not active | No | true or false |
Example, to list only builds on the Android platform:
curl -H"Access-Token: <<your token>>"<<app_id>>/builds?platform=android
Expected Output
If valid, it will return a result with:
Success set to true
Skip - the number of records that were skipped (The API will return sets of 100 records)
Total - The total number of builds for this app
Count - The total number of builds returned in this response
List - List of builds you have access to and match the input parameters
A md5 has of the results element
HTTP result code 200
{ "results": { "skip": 0, "total": 0, "count": 0, "list": [], "success":true }, "md5":"896d94e5e2f4eb6b6bfa19144c7794e5" }
If invalid, it will return a result with:
Success set to false
A message indicating the error
A md5 has of the results element
HTTP result code that is *not* 200
{ "results": { "message":"Invalid platform type (blah)", "success":true }, "md5":"896d94e5e2f4eb6b6bfa19144c7794e5" }
Show a Specific Build
Showing a specific build for a given app is done by App ID. The App ID can be found on your portal, in the My Apps section, or on the previous call to list all apps.
You must have at least read access on the requested app in order for this call to work correctly.
End Point
curl -H"Access-Token: <<your token>>"<<app_id>>/builds/<<build_id>>
Expected Output
{ "results": { "build": { "id":"4ea84a6006e7280001000018", "created":"2014-04-02T20:24:05Z", "modified":"2014-04-02T20:24:05Z", "environment":"Test", "platform":"iOS, "version":"processing", "release_notes":"testing defect fix", "target_model":"iPad", "minimum_os_version":"6.1", "supported_cpu_types":"All", "state":"processed", "active":false, "url":"", "unique_identifier":"com.app47.testagent", "release_date":"2014-06-19T20:24:48+00:00", "message":"", "profile_expiration_date":"2015-07-23T12:32:00", "profile_name":"AdHoc", "activateable":true, "notify_users_on_activation":true }, "success":true }, "md5":"d6222186316b7cadb854bab4f802ee14" }
Update a Build
In order to update a specific build for an app in your account, you will need to use the App ID and build ID. The App ID can be found on your portal, in the My Apps section, or on the previous call to list all apps. You may only update builds you have at least have Edit privileges on the app.
Parameters that are allowed during update can be found in the table above where the Input column contains a Yes in the row and the type of app you are updating is listed in Type(s) column.
End Point
curl -X PUT -H"Access-Token: <<your token>>" -H"Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"build": { "release_notes": "Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country." } }'<<app_id>>/builds/<<build_id>>
Expected Output
{ "results": { "build": { "id":"4ea84a6006e7280001000018", "created":"2014-04-02T20:24:05Z", "modified":"2014-04-02T20:24:05Z", "environment":"Test", "platform":"iOS, "version":"processing", "release_notes":"Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.", "target_model":"iPad", "minimum_os_version":"6.1", "supported_cpu_types":"All", "state":"processed", "active":false, "url":"", "unique_identifier":"com.app47.testagent", "release_date":"2014-06-19T20:24:48+00:00", "message":"", "profile_expiration_date":"2015-07-23T12:32:00", "profile_name":"AdHoc", "activateable":true, "notify_users_on_activation":true }, "success":true }, "md5":"d6222186316b7cadb854bab4f802ee14" }
Create a Build
You may either first upload a file and obtain the Uploaded File Id, or upload the build in one API call. If the files are large in the case of iOS with both IPA and DSYM(zip) files it's recommend to use the Uploaded File API.
Once you have this, you can use that uploaded file id to create a new build.
You may only create builds for apps you have edit permission too.
Parameters that are allowed during create can be found in the table above where the Input column contains a Yes in the row and the type of app you are updating is listed in Type(s) column.
End Point using Uploaded File API
curl -X POST -H"Access-Token: <<your token>>" -H"Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"build": { "build_upload_file_id": "114fa14238d3b81f6a00003e", "release_notes":"New build"} }'<<app_id>>/builds
Expected Output
{ "results": { "build": { "id":"4ea84a6006e7280001000018", "created":"2014-04-02T20:24:05Z", "modified":"2014-04-02T20:24:05Z", "environment":"Test", "platform":"iOS, "version":"uploaded", "release_notes":"New build", "target_model":"", "minimum_os_version":"", "supported_cpu_types":"All", "state":"processed", "active":false, "url":"", "unique_identifier":"com.app47.testagent", "release_date":"2014-06-19T20:24:48+00:00", "message":"", "profile_expiration_date":"", "profile_name":"", "activate able":false, "notify_users_on_activation":true }, "success":true }, "md5":"d6222186316b7cadb854bab4f802ee14" }
End Point using Direct Upload
curl -X POST -H"Access-Token: <<your token>>"<<app_id>>/builds -F 'build[build_upload]=@filename.ipa' -F 'build[make_active]=true'
Expected Output
{ "results": { "build": { "id":"4ea84a6006e7280001000018", "created":"2014-04-02T20:24:05Z", "modified":"2014-04-02T20:24:05Z", "environment":"Test", "platform":"iOS, "version":"uploaded", "release_notes":"", "target_model":"", "minimum_os_version":"", "supported_cpu_types":"All", "state":"uploaded", "active":false, "url":"", "unique_identifier":"", "release_date":"", "message":"", "profile_expiration_date":"", "profile_name":"", "activateable":false, "notify_users_on_activation":true }, "success":true }, "md5":"d6222186316b7cadb854bab4f802ee14" }
Delete a Build
Delete an build associated with an app in your account. You may only delete builds if your member has the Admin permission on the requested app.
End Point
curl -X DELETE -H"Access-Token: <<your token>>"<<app_id>>/builds/<<build_id>>
Expected Output
{ "results": { "message":"Build was deleted", "success":true }, "md5":"f3d0a22e47ce6158551f483e07b16fe1" }
Activate a Build
Activating a specific build, it will cause the currently active build to be inactive for the given environment and platform.
You may only activate builds if your member has the Admin permission on the requested app.
End Point
curl -X PUT -H"Access-Token: <<your token>>"<<app_id>>/builds/<<build_id>>/activate
Expected Output
{ "results": { "success":true }, "md5":"f3d0a22e47ce6158551f483e07b16fe1" }
Deactivate a Build
You may only deactivate builds if your member has the Admin permission on the requested app.
End Point
curl -X PUT -H"Access-Token: <<your token>>"<<app_id>>/builds/<<build_id>>/deactivate
Expected Output
{ "results": { "success":true }, "md5":"f3d0a22e47ce6158551f483e07b16fe1" }
Resubmit a Build
Resubmit a specific build for processing is done with the build processor.
You may only resubmit builds if your member has the Admin permission on the requested app.
End Point
curl -X PUT -H"Access-Token: <<your token>>"<<app_id>>/builds/<<build_id>>/resubmit
Expected Output
{ "results": { "success":true }, "md5":"f3d0a22e47ce6158551f483e07b16fe1" }
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