App Setup is very similar to the Enterprise edition of app setup, however there are three more tabs on the Edit Apps view. This article explains how to best utilize these additions.
Apps Setup
To navigate to the Edit App Page, click on the MY APPS button under the APP STORE header and click on the Edit button for the app that you wish to modify.
The eCommerce Tab
The fields on the tab allow you to change the:
Terms of service - Specify a terms of service for a given application prior to the user purchasing the application.
Short Description - On the main view of the app store, the short description is used in the list of applications, whilst the longer description found the main edit tab for the app is used in the details view.
Registration URL - If the user is required to register with and external service, you can use this field to specify a registration page for the user to complete. It must adhere to the interface for external registration.
Registration button title - The title of the button for registration service.
User download email subject template - If you want the user to receive an email when they download or purchase an application, specify the subject of the email.
User download email body template - If you want the user to receive an email when they download or purchase an application, specify the body of the email.
The In App Tab
The fields on the tab allow you to change the:
Package name - Used for in app purchases to specify the bundle ID for the android application, for example com.evernote would be here if your package name in the AndroidManifest.xml of the application was com.evernote.
Public Key - Used for in app purchases to verify the content returned by the our server.
The eCommerce Admin tab
The fields on the tab allow you to change the:
Interval - States what type of price the app is.
Price - Specify the price of the app, set this to zero if you want it to be free.
Bundle Price - Override the pricing value shown when the app is listed as part of the bundle, this does not change the price of the app if it is purchased individually, that value will be the “Price” value.
Registration URL - If the user is required to register with and external service, you can use this field to specify a registration page for the user to complete. It must adhere to the interface for external registration.
Admin download email notification - If you would like to receive notifications when someone downloads or purchases an app, type a comma separated list of email addresses in this field.
Auto app bundles - Ignore this field for now.
Display order - Specify the order the app will be listed in the app store. The order of the apps is first ordered by this value, then by the name of the app.
Filter device models - If you want to not list this app in the app store on specific devices, then type the name of the model in this field, with space separated entries for multiple models.
Getting started instructions - This is where you can write getting started instructions when the application is installed. Any helpful hints for the user.
Note: The format uses a Markdown language where the syntax can be found at:
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