Customer Action Web Hook Notifications allow you to receive notifications when a customer is created, updated and deleted from the platform.
Enabling Hook Notifications
- To enable this option, first configure a Web Hook with the correct values for your service.
- Then add the optional switches to receive customer updates, deletions and/or creation events to this web hook.
- Click on the Save button.
NOTE: To clear the action, select the Clear this web hook on save and then click Save. This will remove the web hook from this SKU.
Notification Examples
When a customer is created, updated or deleted in the system:
If using JSON
{ :payload=>{ :action=>"update", :customer=>{ "id"=>"57900459a56f7f77930000d2", "email"=>"", "name"=> "Chris S",
"password" => "abc123"
}, :type=>"customer", :epoch_timestamp=>1466528612 }, :md5=>"131aasdf12309jafsd0f9dasdfas"}
If using XML
<notification> <payload> <action>update</action> <customer> <id>5730877cdb8fe936c50000e2</id> <email></email> <name>Chris S</name>
</customer> <type>customer</type> <epoch_timestamp>1466528612</epoch_timestamp> </payload> <md5>131aasdf12309jafsd0f9dasdfas</md5> </notification>
Using the JSON example, the field definitions are described below:
payload - The notification payload
action - The action associated with the notification, at this time it is either update, create, or delete
customer - customer information
id - internal id of the customer
email - email address of the customer
name - name of the customer
- Password - (optional) if the clear text password is available at the time of the event, this will be sent with the notification.
type - type of notification
epoch_timestamp - the number of seconds since epoch the notification was sent
md5 - md5 hash of the payload
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