The Milton application was developed by App47 to demonstrate the majority of features available through the App47 service, as well as offer a convenient, risk-free way to try our service. It is an open source application hosted on Github that can be downloaded a number of ways and receive updates through the git SCCM. This guide is meant to serve as an adjunct to the Getting Started guide available on the App47 resource center.
Milton is a simple RSS feed viewer App that contains a set of tabs with each tab showing a list of recent RSS feed items. The feed source must be using the ATOMIC format as we are using the MWFeedParser written by Michael Waterfall.
The Milton RSS Reader
For Starters…
There are a few steps that must be completed in order to use the Reader. Each of these steps is further explained in the corresponding sections:
Create an App47 account
Download the Milton App
Create an App within your App47 account
Configure the App ID for your Milton App
Optional steps:
- Create the Configuration Groups to see the real power of App47
The Required Steps -- Explained
1. Create an App47 Account
- If you have not done so already, go to the URL:, to sign up for a free account.
- Answer a few simple questions like name, title, company, and password
- Click on the Get Started! button.
- You’ll be sent an email verification to complete the registration process. Once that is done, log into the App47 system to get started.
Feel free to visit the video section on our web site ( to see other getting started videos.
2. Download the Milton App
Milton is an open source application hosted in github. The repository is located at
- You can download the zip file from this page, or use git to retrieve a copy off the master branch.
- If using git, use your favorite terminal application, clone the git repository with:
:App47 chris$ pwd /Users/chris/Dropbox/Development/App47 Chris-Air-2:App47 chris$ git clone Cloning into milton-ios... remote: Counting objects: 387, done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (201/201), done. remote: Total 387 (delta 192), reused 364 (delta 169) Receiving objects: 100% (387/387), 1.51 MiB | 1.29 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (192/192), done. Chris-Air-2:App47 chris$ cd milton-ios/ Chris-Air-2:milton-ios chris$ ls Milton MiltonTests Milton.xcodeproj icon.png
Milton is a working application with the App47 library already integrated and ready to go. Feel free to explore the App47 Library as well as the App itself.
3. Create an App Within your App47 account
- Once you have the account confirmed, log in and click the “+ Add App” button to add a new App.
- You will now be on the Create App screen.
- In the App Type section select Internal
- In the Name field type Milton
- In the App Image section upload an image to represent the app. There is an image included in the Milton app if you would like to use it.
4. Configure the App ID for your Milton App
The checked-in version of Milton contains an App ID we used when testing so you’ll need to update this to get your unique App ID.
Navigate to the App47 Dashboard and copy the App ID located immediately below the app name.
Copy this App ID to your copy/paste buffer.
Next, open the Xcode project downloaded in the previous step and locate the EmbeddedAgentSettings.plist file.
Modify the application id parameter with the ID from your Dashboard.
You should be all set. Feel free to run the App and explore the code base to learn how to get the most out of App47.
The Optional Steps -- Explained
Create the Configuration Groups to See the Real Power of App47 (Optional)
App47 is much more than an analytical engine. It can also drive the configuration of your application after deployment. You can use configuration for any number of purposes, such as to define what backend server to communicate with for information, turn ad servers on or off, and download audio, video, or html files for updating your application.
In the Milton application we have set the configuration parameter to modify the number of tabs and the RSS feed each tab shows. To accomplish this, you’ll need to setup at least three configuration groups within your App47 account and an additional one for each RSS feed you want to display.
From the App47 Dashboard, click on the Milton icon to view the management tabs for the App.
Click on the Configuration tab.
From here, follow the subsections below for each configuration group.
Configuration Group 1 - UI Configuration
From the Configuration screen, click on the New configuration group link and fill in the information:
Description: This group is the starting point of the UI configuration. Today it only has one value, that being the Tab Listing key, but in the future it may contain other UI configuration parameters we may want to adjust. The list of key/value pairs should be:
Key | Value | Description |
Tab listing | Tabs | The name of the group that contains the list of tabs to show in the Milton UI. |
Save your changes when finished.
Configuration Group 2 - Tabs
From the Configuration screen, click on the New configuration group link and fill in the information:
Description: The name of this group needs to match the value in the previous table for the ‘Tab listing’ key. In our example, it is “Tabs.” This group has a list of tabs to display in Milton along with their order. The order is the key value and the value is name of the corresponding group for the tab. The list of key/value pairs should be:
Key | Value | Description |
1 | App47 | The key is the order and the value is the name of the configuration that contains the information for this tab in the Milton UI. |
Save your changes when finished.
Configuration Group 3 - The First Tab Configuration Group
From the Configuration screen. Click on the New configuration group link and fill in the information:
Description: You will need one of these groups for each of the tabs listed in the previous configuration group. Example configuration group values
Key | Value | Description |
title | App47 | The title of the tab on the UI |
image_name | cellphone.png | The name of the image file located within the project to put on the tab. |
url | | The URL to load the Atomic RSS feed. |
Save your changes when finished.
You are now ready to use the Milton application in its entirety and utilize App47 to analyze, configure and manage its performance.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us at
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